Helps Everyone Live Peacefully Safely

Register as nonprofit director

Nonprofit verification

The following steps ensure only authorized agents of the nonprofit modify nonprofit Mission statement content. We require a Form W9 to report donations to the IRS and the nonprofit 501 (c3) at the end of the year.

Step 1) Application form to validates applicant is certified to represent the nonprofit in our database. (Please contact us if your nonprofit is not in our records.)

Step 2) Comlete your nonprofit mission statement. This step will help users/guests find you on HELPS-AUSTIN.

Step 3) Return IRS W9 Form for the nonprofit.

Step 3) To avoid fraud, we require a registration fee of $100. ($50 refunded when the applicant's credentials have been verified along with any proceeds from art sale transactions.

HELPS-AUSTIN verifies the applicant's information is accurate and the applicant is authorized to update the mission statement and program list before the Mission Statement will be published.

how to fill out a W9 form

Step 4) We set your directory listing up so all credit card donaions go directly to the nonprofit. Please go to your credit card donation payment platform (Paypal, Stripe etc) and obtain the code snippet that will generte a donation button. You must offer a button for $5 and other suggested denominations: $10, $15, and $20. The donation button will be available to users on the "donations" page.

Application form

Click to read nonprofit agreement
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